Tripti Dimri, the talented actress known for her powerful performances in films like Qala (2022) and Bulbbul (2020), has recently been the target of nasty trolling on social media. After her sizzling chemistry with Vicky Kaushal in the song “Jaanam” from their upcoming film Bad Newz, some trolls have resorted to calling her a “soft porn girl”.
The trolls have accused the film Animal of “ruining” Tripti Dimri’s image, with one Twitter user stating, “It’s my personal opinion but #TriptiiDimri has become soft porn girl. Animal ruined her image ”. Another tweet read, “Sex, Seduction, Boldness & Dragged Story seems to be @DharmaMovies next Offering Titled #BadNewz #TriptiiDimri on a way to become next #MallikaSherawat & #RakhiShawant gonna Disappear in no time as a leading lady if she continue to Expose such in every film .”
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However, Tripti Dimri’s fans have come out in her support, believing that the internet is being unfair to the actress. They have blamed the PRs of star kids for allegedly maligning her image, with one fan’s post reading, “Here comes the insecure struggling nepo kids’ PR team to malign another talented outsider.” Another fan mentioned star kid Janhvi Kapoor and pointed out, “Why are u all mfs blaming tripti here. When karan and dharma clearly knows her range, why cant he offer good roles. Why does jhanvi continues to get good roles despite being mid. Karan offers strong roles to his favs and will destroy a non nepo by offering bad roles. That’s it.”
Defending Tripti Dimri’s job as an actor, one angry fan also tweeted, “Samosa critics of Family media….Yahi chij Alia Bhatt kare to versatile acting or Tripti kare to vulger.” This raises an important point about the double standards often applied to actresses, especially those who are not from film families.
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The term “soft porn” has been used in the past to shame and discredit actresses, as seen in the case of Kangana Ranaut calling Urmila Matondkar a “soft porn star”. This kind of language is not only disrespectful but also perpetuates the idea that women’s bodies and choices are public property.
As Tripti Dimri continues to impress audiences with her talent and versatility, it is crucial that she is judged on the merit of her work and not subjected to such demeaning labels. The audience should reserve their judgment until the release of Bad Newz on July 19th.